Mobile Summit 2014

Most of the resources below I have discovered because of twitter.

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Below is a list of resources I like and use. It is a hodgepodge of good stuff for teaching math with video and images.

 Math Teaching Resources Menu



Estimation180 is great for warm ups but even better for getting students to practice predicting their answer which allows them to decide if their answer they calculate makes sense. Screen Shot 2014-04-10 at 4.16.41 PM Here is an example:

Estimate: Day 151

What is the value of pennies in the glass?

estimation Questions we ask to get students thinking of reasonableness of their answers. Give an estimate that is too low. Give an estimate that is too high Give an estimate that is just right.

Video Answer

Would You Rather


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 Great way to start a topic/or lesson. Students are eager to justify their choice. Relevant problems.

 Here is another example: Would You Rather

Would You Rather


Visual Patterns

Fawn Nguyen’s site has 140 different growth patterns. Find the correct equation!

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Here are a few examples:

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Along the same lines as this are ….

Vine Videos created by Nat Banting

Click here to go to his blogpost on this… He takes a pattern like this one from a textbook: and turns it into this….   or one like this….

and turns it into this…   Here is one my students made…


Main Course

Engaging Math Problems vs. Standard Math Problems


3-Act Math Problems

Original concept from Dan Meyer – Read about it – The Three Acts of a Mathematical Story

  Here is the Corner to Corner  3 – Act Math Task –  Here is another…

Act 1: The Water Balloon

Did you wonder when the balloon will blow? Give an answer too high, too low, just right.

Act 2:

Act 2:

Act 3:

  Here is the same problem from a standard Math problem from grade 9

A water balloon is filled at a rate of 0.22L/s If a standard balloon will hold about 14L of water, how long will it take until it bursts?

Screen Shot 2014-04-11 at 10.02.47 PM

Screen Shot 2014-04-11 at 10.11.48 PM Online free graphing calculator – enough said!


Desmos Function Art Assignment

Grade 11s use their knowledge of functions to draw a picture. Modelling Modelling


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Explain Everything as a delivery tool

We began many classes by grabbing an Explain Everything file from our Google Drive. Here is a picture of that file. 20140218-205634.jpg 20140218-210420.jpg Here are some more examples of using Explain everything as a “digital worksheet”   20131201-105523.jpg   or 20131201-105614.jpg or 20131201-105645.jpg


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