Is Lego Gender Biased?

Here was how our conversation in math class (MFM1P) went…..How many pieces make up this Star wars Lego ship? Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 3.28.54 PMWe started with that picture and had a great conversation around Lego.

Then I showed this one.

Does the pool/hot tub have more pieces/less pieces/ or the same? This turned into “boy” Lego vs. “girl” Lego. My personal opinion is its all great…. My 3 daughters are just as excited to play with Yoda as they are with Disney princesses. Girls in the class agreed that they didn’t need their own line of lego!!!

I moved our conversation a little forward with asking Which costs more? And which should cost more?

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 5.46.05 AMAnswers: Continue reading