Originally I had planned a warm up from Which One Doesn’t Belong on reading clocks.

Instead I changed my mind and we played 20 questions. We played two rounds. The first round I picked an object in the room and the class together had 20 questions to try and figure out what I picked. The second round had them picking an object while I tried to guess it within 20 questions. It’s a fun way to start class which builds a positive atmosphere. Once in a while I pick a math related object.

We used the next 25 minutes to finish our quizzes/assessments from yesterday. I keep forgetting how much time some of my students need to process information. That’s one of the big hurdles for this course. — One student will need only 20 minutes for an activity but 2 students will need 40 minutes. The mastery days have helped with this hurdle. It allows students to work on things they need to work on. Today the students who didn’t need extra time on the quiz worked on finishing up their Bank Search work from earlier this week.

After everyone was finished their quiz we tried to keep going with our Monopoly game from last week. I had taken pictures last week so everyone got back their money and deeds. This time around however was pretty brutal…..hardly any of them were into playing the game. One student was adamant that he was not playing. He did play, but made it clear he was mad during his turn. Everyone had at least two turns today and showed that they could find the tax or discount when needed…….but it was clear that this was stupid. I think it’s time to retire this game!

fullsizerenderTomorrow is a PD here in our board. See you Monday!

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