Welcome Grade 9’s!!!

Welcome to your first day of high school grade 9’s. This site is a place you can access resources to help you complete your work. On our first day we will complete a few activities.

1. Math is Like….

Math is Like...

2. Estimation 180 –

Every day we will start off our class with an estimation problem. Strengthening our estimation skills will help us with our more advanced concepts later in the course.

First Estimation: How Tall is Mr. Orr?


Estimation #2 – How Tall are the Mini Orr’s


3. 3-Act Math:

Occasionally we will complete problems we call 3-Act Math Problems. The theory behind these problems can be found here. Our first problem is about a Water balloon.

What Questions do you wonder about after watching this video?

4. Number Sense Review

5. Class Survey.

iPhone Charger

Use this problem based task to generate a need to graph relationships, analyze linear relations, and extrapolation.

Act 1- Video

When will the phone charge?
1. Give an answer that is too high.
2. Give an answer that is too low.
3. Find how long it will take to charge.

Act 2 – hints
1. Make a table of values comparing the time and the percentage.
2. Graph the relation.
3. Find an equation to model this relation.

Act 3 – Video

1. What could cause the difference in answers?