U3 – Rational Functions

Unit 3

Day Lesson Title Exercises
1 & 2 3.1 – Reciprocal of a Linear Function

  • Students are to complete the anticipation guide prior to the lesson.Complete examples with the class. As an achievement check, students will sketch a graph of a rational function (this will be used to complete a performance wall the next class day).
  • Three solutions will be previously made up on chart paper. The students will decide on which is the best, worst, middle. As a class discuss how to make the worst the middle, and the middle the best. Discuss all the key properties of the graphs.

Notes from class

  • Day 1 – hw. pg. 153 #1-3
  • Day 2 – pg. 154 7eol,8.
2 & 3  3.2 Reciprocal of a Quadratic function

  • Three Functions will be given out in groups. Students are to sketch the functions using the analysis developed the day before. In groups they are to describe their technique and findings.
 pg. 164 #1,5ace, 7 8eol,11
3  3.3 Rational Functions.

  • Students are to sketch a rational function.
4  3.5 Special cases  – Removable Discontinuities.

  • Sketch and discuss functions that have removable discontinuities.
  • 3.4.1 Quiz Solving Equations/Inequalities with technology
  • 3.4.2 Solve equations
  • 3.4.3 Solve Inequalities
  • 3.4.4 Solving Word problems – Students are given the Scuba Diving problem. In groups they are to develop a solution. As a class discuss and take up the solution.
3.4.3 – Notes

  • 3.4.4 – pg. 189 #1,3,5.
    • pg. 185 #15,16


6  Review  pg. 192 #1-5,7-11,13,15,16
8  Test

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