Grade 11’s made review videos using the app Explain Everything today for various questions from the Review Section of Chapter 3.
IPads and Apple TV in Math
This will be my first time using Apple TV in math class. The idea for the Apple TV today will be to share student work.
Here is our run down:
1. Check connectivity for internet in our classroom. Visit here to get the Smart Notebook file we will be using. —- If internet is unavailable we will use wifi from goodreader app.
2. Download lesson file and gsp file.
—-First practice switching between apps, and taking screen shots.
3. Connect to jmss ipad network which will allow us to us Apple TV.
4. In groups, discuss and answer questions to first slide about the effect of b. use the gsp sketch. Record results on paper or digitally in the Smart Notebook app. Do again for next slide.
5. Students can graph the exponential in their app…..once all groups are finished….i will pick a group to connect to the Apple TV, to explain and show their work.
6. I will do the next example….as a demonstration….students will complete the next few slides as I circulate.
When students get to the Communication Slide have them take a screenshot of the page. Open the Explain Everything app……load the screenshot. Students are to answer the communication question while recording their voice and notes. They are to upload their work to the class dropbox folder or copy it to my ipad. This will be their exit question for the day.
GSP and the Derivative of the Sine Function
Today in MCV4U we will investigate the derivative of the Sine and Cosine functions. First, download the and save it to the camera roll. Open the image in the app Explain Everything. Follow the steps below.
Try graphing the derivative of y=sinx.
First plot the points where their is a horizontal tangent.
Then consider where the tangent would
be positive or negative.
Next, download the GSP file and open it in Sketchpad Explorer. On the “Graph Sin’ ” page drag the point back and forth which will plot the points corresponding to the slope of the tangent.
Exit book, feedback, and performance walls
This activity ties descriptive feedback, exit cards, and performance walls all together. Instead of doing an exit card at the end of every lesson students make a book to do the exit questions in. At the end of the lesson they complete the exit question in their book and leave it behind for assessment and feedback by me. While marking the questions I pick out a typical level 4 response, take a picture of it, print it out and display it on the performance wall. Students can view the wall during the unit to see “good” answers. Also, they will have a collection of typical test questions in their exit book to study from.