Dora to the Rescue

Next on Making Algebra Meaningful  – Dora to the Rescue!

Our goal is to tackle this beast from our expectations:

add and subtract polynomials involving the same variable up to degree three [e.g., (2x + 1) + (x^2 – 3x + 4)],using a variety of tools


multiply a polynomial by a monomial involving the same variable to give results up to degree three [e.g., (2x)(3x), 2x(x + 3)], using a variety of tools

Part 1 (Act 1) Being Curious

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Order Up – Making Algebra Meaningful

My first thought when creating my lessons is how can I get students curious! Sometimes curiosity will come out from Act 1 of a 3 Act math task. Or sometimes it’s from a puzzelly type open activity that makes students struggle.

Here is MY new struggle:

How can I make students curious when teaching collecting like terms, and eventually the distributive property?

Last year’s opener to teach collecting like terms:

  1. Give them a perimeter problem where the sides have an unknown value.
  2. Ask for an expression for the perimeter in terms of x.
  3. Now here is x….find the perimeter.

And that’s it! Every time I do this kids are confused and ask “Why didn’t we just have the value of x to begin with?”

I want a task that makes us curious and need to use like terms to simplify an expression.

Task 1: Order Up

Task 2: Dora to the Rescue

Order Up

Part 1 (Act 1): Being Curious

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Is Lego Gender Biased?

Here was how our conversation in math class (MFM1P) went…..How many pieces make up this Star wars Lego ship? Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 3.28.54 PMWe started with that picture and had a great conversation around Lego.

Then I showed this one.

Does the pool/hot tub have more pieces/less pieces/ or the same? This turned into “boy” Lego vs. “girl” Lego. My personal opinion is its all great…. My 3 daughters are just as excited to play with Yoda as they are with Disney princesses. Girls in the class agreed that they didn’t need their own line of lego!!!

I moved our conversation a little forward with asking Which costs more? And which should cost more?

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 5.46.05 AMAnswers: Continue reading

Knot Again!

I am loving Alex Overwijk’s Knot activity more and more.
Go ahead and read about it!

Ropes of Different Thickness & Equal Lengths

I’m a huge advocate for having kids get their hands dirty and try things out. This one is particularly awesome because students get to experience how the rope length changes. They get to feel and create that change.

For those of you who don’t have ropes….or use this after the activity as part of a consolidation.
Problem 1- Solving a linear equation.
Act 1

Knot Again! Act 1 from jon orr on Vimeo.

Act 2
Screen Shot 2015-02-16 at 8.10.29 AM

Act 3

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