Knot Again!

I am loving Alex Overwijk’s Knot activity more and more.
Go ahead and read about it!

Ropes of Different Thickness & Equal Lengths

I’m a huge advocate for having kids get their hands dirty and try things out. This one is particularly awesome because students get to experience how the rope length changes. They get to feel and create that change.

For those of you who don’t have ropes….or use this after the activity as part of a consolidation.
Problem 1- Solving a linear equation.
Act 1

Knot Again! Act 1 from jon orr on Vimeo.

Act 2
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Act 3

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Projects from 2013-2014, iTunesU, iBooks

I feel like since I started using Twitter for Pd and following the #MTBos my learning curve has been steep! As a result, when I look back at resources I have created I find myself wishing that I had done it “this way” or “that way” or used a different task here or there.
This is no problem for creating lessons, activities, tasks to use with MY students because I can always modify, change, manipulate!
My regrets show up when I’m involved in a project that gets published or shared out beyond my reach and afterwards my thinking has changed by seeing a great blog post, or a new activity, or by just having a discussion with a colleague. I wish I had all the time in the world to keep everything “up to date”

Our blogs, Google Drive Folders, Dropboxes are easily update-able and where are current lessons are!

Here are a few of those projects that I hit publish and find it hard to keep up to date: Each of these has lots of stuff I’m proud of, and some stuff I wish I could find the time to “update”

ITunesU Course – MPM1D (created April 2014)
Last spring I created an iTunesU course for my school board (Lambton-Kent).
Purpose: To share some digital resources I have used, or, are using in my grade 9 Principles of mathematics course.

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iBook – Measurement (created July 2014)

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Whatcha Thinking – independent use of 3 Act Math Tasks for MFM1P

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iBook – Linear Relations (created July 2013)

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Popcorn Pandemonium


Download the videos, images, and resources by clicking download below

My afternoon grade 9 applied class (as a group) is very outspoken, loud, and restless (maybe it’s because it’s the afternoon and they have been sitting at desks all day). They have been a challenge to keep on task. So….I  am trying to find opportunities for them to be outspoken, loud, and restless.

A few weeks ago I came across this post by John Berray. Using/eating marshmallows to compare rates of change. I loved his idea of “experiencing rate of change” I decided to re-purpose his lesson to meet our goal of—> “I can solve a linear systems of equations by graphing.” I also took his recommendation of using popcorn instead of marshmallows…..and it paid off!!

Here is the low down…. we start the “Math Dial” off low.

ME: OK you are going to have a good o’ fashion popcorn eating contest!

Start with this video:

Ask for questions:

Here are a few from math tweeps

here are a few questions we can address with this problem.

  • When will Tim and Don eat the same amount as Jon?
  • Who will eat the most when the minute is up?
  • Will there be a time when Tim and Don eat the exact same amount?
  • When would Don eat more than Tim?

ME: Ok lets figure out who will eat the most in the 1 minute. But I want to recreate the video with you guys.

So I made a giant bowl of popcorn. (Don’t have time to make enough popcorn? — have kids give high fives to a timer instead)

Arrange groups of 2 or 3 and everybody grabbed some popcorn to start!

Round 1:

In each group kids are to choose who to mimic, Jon, Tim, or Don. They are to eat just like them! Allow them to ask about how fast each person is eating….or how much did each start with, etc.

Show Act 2 to answer those questions:

Tell them to get their timers ready….because they will eat just like one of those guys. Ready…..all you Tims and Jons eat your starting amount … Set….Go!

Start the timers and eat!

Question 1:
After they are finished, have them work out on their whiteboards who would eat the most in a minute.

Question 2:
When would Tim & Don eat the same as Jon if ever? (Great potential here for integer solutions talk).

Question 3:
During the minute, at anytime did Tim and Don eat the same?

If there was no time limit find when Tim & Don would eat the same?

Used this handout so they could create tables of values. Had them graph in Desmos!

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The awesome thing was that my students were desperately trying to find the equations to match their graphs….they didn’t want to plot all the points. I visited each group helping them find the equations if needed. Once the equations were in desmos they knew where to look.

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Act 3 – The reveal of who ate the most in a minute

Round 2: Do it all over again with new eating patterns!
Here are two possible eating pattern cards to give out:

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Students who finished early worked on our Crazy Taxi  vs. a new Insane Cab

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(@mathletepearce has a nice write up on using the Crazy taxi problem in class.)

Next day! Solving Multi-step equations…..will solve this systems of equations algebraically.


Download the videos, images, and resources by clicking download below

Filling it up!

In our grade 9 applied class we are finishing off linear relations and moving into solving equations. I want an activity that is hands-on, engaging, and shows a purpose to solving linear equations.

Here is some thoughts on an activity I want to try. Let me know what you think. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Here it is: Filling it up!!

Show them this picture….

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Let them wonder, let them ask what that thing in the pitcher is.


“How many would be too much?”

“How many would be not enough?”

“How many is just right?”

Have them record the guess. “We’ll compare our answer to our guess”


ME: Let’s find out how many.

Organize them into groups of 3.

ME: What are we going to need?

We’ll need volume of the pitcher, volume of the cup, and volume of the weight.

Have discussion on:

What shape is the cup? … it more like a cylinder or a cone? Which is it closest to? What formula for volume will you use? Will you be right?

What shape is the pitcher? What shape is the weight?

Choose 1 member of you group to find the volume of the cup; choose 1 member for volume of the pitcher; choose 1 member to find volume of the weight.

Have the items around the room like stations:



IMG_2772Each member will find the volume of their object and bring it back to the group.

Allow the students to work

Here are some scaffolding questions I can use (Please feel free to give me some more)

  • What’s changing as you fill up the pitcher?
  • Does it start with zero volume? What volume of the pitcher is already taken up?
  • What volume is left after the weight?

Here is a possible solution….


My idea is this could be great context for introducing solving equations using opposite operations! Use their technique  and show how the volume grows as the cups increase. Use Desmos and relate it to y = mx + b.

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show them how their strategy is the same as solving 5562 = 1511 + 335x. Boom! Context for solving equations!

My ideas for extensions would be to put objects like….


in the pitcher. Count how many cups to fill the pitcher now. Use our equation to solve for the volume of the car. [Corresponding Grade 9 Academic learning goal: Find the y-intercept (initial value) of a linear equation given the slope (rate of change) and a point. ]

What do you think?? Think it would work? I would love some feedback!