Sorting Out Explain Everything

There are lots of great things in Math being done with the app Explain Everything! Explain Everything has been the go-to app of choice for many teachers, students to showcase learning and understanding.
Students in my class have used this app to explain major concepts from the course. For example, a student used the app to create a video on the differences between Direct and Partial variation.

The app can be used for other great uses besides video recording…

I have been using the app to create short Sorting activities.


 Click the picture and download the Explain Everything .xpl file.


The white space in the app allows users to easily move, rotate, and sort images on the screen. In the example above, as a warm up my students were asked to sort the solution to the equation in the correct order. We then had discussions on steps to solve equations.

Below is another sorting activity on sorting out linear relations. They were asked to match up tables, graphs, equations, and descriptions.


 Click the picture and download the Explain Everything .xpl file.


Another sorting activity: For MPM2D or MCF3M or MCR3U – Sorting the Quadratic Formula. Students were asked to sort out solutions to solving equations by completing the square. After sorting a number of solutions, they were asked to sort the general development of the Quadratic Formula.


 Click the picture and download the Explain Everything .xpl file


With Explain Everything’ ease to make how to videos, and sorting activities…’s a must have on your iPads.

IPads and Apple TV in Math

This will be my first time using Apple TV in math class. The idea for the Apple TV today will be to share student work.
Here is our run down:
1. Check connectivity for internet in our classroom. Visit here to get the Smart Notebook file we will be using. —- If internet is unavailable we will use wifi from goodreader app.
2. Download lesson file and gsp file.
—-First practice switching between apps, and taking screen shots.
3. Connect to jmss ipad network which will allow us to us Apple TV.
4. In groups, discuss and answer questions to first slide about the effect of b. use the gsp sketch. Record results on paper or digitally in the Smart Notebook app. Do again for next slide.
5. Students can graph the exponential in their app…..once all groups are finished….i will pick a group to connect to the Apple TV, to explain and show their work.
6. I will do the next example….as a demonstration….students will complete the next few slides as I circulate.
When students get to the Communication Slide have them take a screenshot of the page. Open the Explain Everything app……load the screenshot. Students are to answer the communication question while recording their voice and notes. They are to upload their work to the class dropbox folder or copy it to my ipad. This will be their exit question for the day.

Using iPads and Explain Everything to “sort” through the Quadratic Formula

Grade 10’s today will use our iPads to sort through some solutions to quadratic equations. For each equation, the solution has been cut up and scattered. The grade 10’s will have to re organize the solutions in the correct order. The progression of the different problems will lead towards re-organizing the steps involved in developing the quadratic formula. Below are a couple screen shots of the sorting slides. All sorting and re-organizing is done in the iPad app Explain Everything. Download the Sorting File.