Teach Math with Spiralled 3-Act Tasks – a full course
This semester was my first go at spiralling a course through problems instead of units. Traditionally we teachers follow the chapters and sections from the textbook.
This semester was my first go at spiralling a course through problems instead of units. Traditionally we teachers follow the chapters and sections from the textbook.
I’ve had an amazing teacher candidate (@misschacon_7) paired with me for the last two weeks. Every day she comes excited to try and learn new things.
Last week I attended the annual OAME (Ontario Association of Mathematics Educators) in Toronto. It was so great to finally meet some of the people
In this multi-strand lesson students will use estimate and calculate how many paper balls fit in a bucket. They then will race to see who can make more shots into the bucket in a minute.
When will a water balloon explode? How much water does it hold? Use proportions to help!
Yesterday I received some great news! I was accepted into the Apple Distinguished Educator class of 2015 program. Last year I was encouraged to apply by
The last few semesters I ran this two-day lesson on distance-time graphs. Today I added a new twist on Day 2. Recap: Day 1 –
Our semester is now half over and the use of our spreadsheet and mastery learning has been amazing. I didn’t think that the spreadsheet system
If you have read my previous posts(here, here, and here) on Explain Everything ….you’ll know I love it, and know that I love it because
I may be preaching to the choir here…. Planning great math lessons is sometimes pretty hard, but we don’t have to do this alone. Use
After completing the two Making Algebra Meaningful activities we spent time using algebra tiles to help collect like terms and simplify algebraic expressions. Our math
Before our break I created a set of challenges for students to investigate translations of different functions. I had a few goals in mind: Introduce
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